"Art is never finished, it's abandoned." 

This is the post jam version of my game jam entry. 

I got a few more improvements before I started to get to diminishing returns. 

  • Cosmetic
    • Cleaned up the snowbank art a little bit since the previous art was a recolored tree.
    • Enlarged grass to be more noticeable.
    • Made penguin asset to size so that features wouldn't be lost in the resize.
    • Create snowbank shadow asset to spawn under snowbank and under the penguin to give some depth to the game.
  • Code
    • Moved objects to a spawn manager for cleaner asset addition and handling.
    • Redid the spawn rate of the obstacles so that there's a max amount on the screen.
      • Did not adjust the spawning to move off of a timer.  Probably should have, but this is the diminishing returns I was talking about.
    • Created difficulty increment based on player distance traveled.

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